Batanga Launches Private Hispanic RTB Exchange For Web, Mobile

Batanga Media has announced the launch of a private programmatic exchange, dubbed the Batanga Media Exchange (BMX). Batanga is an independent digital media and content company for the U.S. Hispanic market, Latin America, and Brazil.

The company says the private exchange will contain "premium" Hispanic online and mobile inventory from Batanga's properties, including,, Batanga Radio App, and the iMujer Gourmet App. Inventory from select Batanga Hispanic content publisher partners will also be made available on the exchange.

The launch of the exchange marks the first time Batanga's inventory will be made available for real-time bidding (RTB).

Rafael Urbina, chairman and CEO of Batanga, said in a release that the company launched a private exchange and is making their inventory available for RTB because the technology available today allows Batanga to do what they've done -- offer buyers a Hispanic audience online -- at "mass scale" and in real-time.

The exchange will use Batanga's audience data, and advertisers will be able to use their own data as well. Buyers will have to go through the AppNexus platform to connect to the BMX.

1 comment about "Batanga Launches Private Hispanic RTB Exchange For Web, Mobile".
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  1. Anni Paul from BoscoSystems, November 6, 2013 at 1:23 a.m.

    Smart on two fronts here. First, the Hispanic community is ripe for more mobile and not enough companies, ad networks, etc. are focusing on them. Additionally, good for Batanga for concentrating on mobile RTB. I totally disagree with those who think mobile RTB is something for tomorrow. No way. It is ready for prime time, baby!

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