Foote, Cone & Who? FCB Dumps Draft (In Name Only)

There aren’t many businesses where even subtle changes in a brand name are more telling than in the profession that creates and manages brand names, Madison Avenue. So when a major agency changes its name, it says a lot about what it thinks about -- and how it positions itself. That’s what happened several years ago, when Interpublic reorganized its direct and database marketing shop Draft with one of its most venerable brand names, Foote, Cone & Belding, to create Draftfcb.

While that name change clearly gave top-billing to the direct shop, the one it unveiled today, subordinates it altogether. In fact, FCB has quite literally given the Draft name the boot altogether, becoming, simply, FCB.

“Two distinct brands, Draft and FCB, were merged together seven years ago,” stated Carter Murray, who was named Global CEO of the agency six months ago, explaining, “The entities have united and now have one seamless offering. It’s time to simplify our brand name as well to reflect our focused identity and direction.”

While Howard Draft will remain executive chairman and an advisor to Murray, his name will no longer appear in the billing of the global agency network.



2 comments about "Foote, Cone & Who? FCB Dumps Draft (In Name Only)".
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  1. James Nail from Forrester Research, March 10, 2014 at 11:43 a.m.

    So I guess Howard doesn't rise to the status of Fairfax Cone? Too bad. I think he had a significant impact on the business. Read my blog post

    But this raises another question: who are today's marketing leaders that deserve to join the panteon with Cone, David Ogilvy, Bill Bernbach, etc? Join my discussion

  2. Bob Sanders from Sanders Consulting, March 10, 2014 at 2:03 p.m.

    Advertising agencies have begun to realize they can't survive without branding themselves but are struggling with how to do it. As the market continues to evolve with more and more niche verticals emerging, agencies have to talk about their unique skills and capabilities. They must stand out if they are going to compete. Become an expert. Stand for something. But what?

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