
Most Mobile Retail Research Ends In Purchase

Mobile research is an increasingly important part of the retail experience for many consumers, and is correlated with a high likelihood of making a purchase, according to a new survey of over 1,500 British smartphone and tablet users performed by Nielsen on behalf of xAd and Telmetrics.

Overall, 80% of all product-related research queries eventually resulted in a purchase, the survey found. Around 40% of shoppers said they use their mobile devices to research products while in the store, chiefly for price comparison, and 37% have traveled to a store to make a purchase after researching a product on their mobile device. A third of the respondents said their mobile device is their sole research tool for shopping.

Telmetrics President Bill Dinan noted: “The always-on nature of the mobile device means that there are multiple opportunities to engage a shopper as they move throughout their day. Knowing that over half of consumers are looking to make a decision within that same day, there is also an opportunity to influence immediate action including calls, looking up directions, and even store visits.”

Another survey of U.S. mobile users, also conducted by Nielsen for xAd and Telmetrics, found that 65% of mobile users are looking to make a purchase the same day, while 56% of purchases influenced by mobile research take place in person at a store. Around half of mobile users who conduct product research said they have only a general idea what they’re looking for, leaving them open to influence by ads.

Earlier this month I wrote about the results of a survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers conducted by CFI Group on behalf of eBay Enterprise, which found that the proportion of consumers who have made a purchase via a smartphone in the last six months increased from 59% in 2013 to 70% this year. Fifty-seven percent said they have used their smartphone while shopping in a store, and within this group, 63% use it to check pricing at other stores, 60% check prices online, and 52% read recommendations and reviews.

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