
Anheuser-Busch Super Bowl Effort Unlikely to Displace Justin Bieber's Package

While everyone is all aflutter over whether or not that Justin Bieber Calvin Klein ad was Photoshopped or not, Anheuser-Busch is amping up their Super Bowl efforts to snag Millennials before its aging beer-butt customer base dies off.

Of the effort, Anheuser-Busch VP of U.S. Marketing Jorn Socquet said, “We’re going very hard after Millennials. We have to win with these consumers and we know with the Super Bowl, we have their undivided attention.” To which we say, have you heard of that whole multitasking thing that's so prevalent among Millennials, Mr. Socquet? Yeah, you know, that thing people do when they're doing more than one thing at a time which has been proven to result in a person not fully grasping any of the things being multitasked?

Oh yeah. And throw in beer, pretzels and the rest of Super Sunday distractions and it's a wonder anyone actually remembers the ads let alone which football teams even took the field. But, hey, the brand's Puppy Love spot won the USA Today Ad Meter poll so maybe it's all good for the brand this year.



But just in case all those Millennials miss it during the game -- or are still fantasizing about Bieber's package, there will be 3.5 minutes of Anheuser-Busch ads during the game including an appearance by the Clydesdales and a cute puppy who has lost his way. But maybe that will be tweetable. Then the Anheuser-Busch social media nerds can add up all the retweets and claim Super Bowl success.

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