Cablevision Offers Cord-Cutter Package For TV, Internet

Cablevision Systems Corp. is yet another traditional pay TV operator responding to the needs of “cord-cutters” --- even naming a new product for those TV consumers.

But unlike other new TV services, Cablevision’s new offerings don’t include cable networks -- just a digital antenna to get over-the-air TV stations, high-speed Internet access, and, for one package, WiFi phone service.

Prices for the new packages range from $34.90 a month to $44.90 a month. Customers have the option of adding the new standalone digital HBO service -- HBO Now -- for an extra fee.

Kristin Dolan, COO of Cablevision, stated: “Our new ‘cord-cutter’ packages take a modern approach to traditional triple-product bundles and provide real alternatives that fit new consumer lifestyles.”



Cablevision’s intent is to cater to more price-conscious TV consumers, allowing them the options of using new stand-alone digital TV services, including Sling TV, CBS All Access or other services/devices, such as Netflix, Hulu, Roku or Apple TV.

The "cord cutter" package with the faster Internet data speed of 50 Mbps will go for $44.90 a month. The more modest ‘Everyday Low Price’ package, with Internet service of 5 Mbps, and WiFi phone service, costs $34.90.

1 comment about "Cablevision Offers Cord-Cutter Package For TV, Internet".
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  1. Kenneth Hittel from Ken Hittel, April 23, 2015 at 4:35 p.m.

    Um, wasn't there just recently a little company called Aereo that got squashed b/c it offered:
     just a digital antenna to get over-the-air TV stations?

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