Fall TV Debuts Disrupted By Year-Round, Cross-Platform Viewing

A little over half of consumers are not that concerned with the traditional, seasonal starting up of TV shows -- typically in September. In surveying over 3,200 consumers, Videology, a TV-video technology advertising company, pointed to research indicating that 55% of consumers said the "season" doesn't impact their video viewing.

More specifically, 46% of respondents didn’t know that September traditionally marked the start of the new TV season. Another 24% “don’t look forward to the September TV season.” Why? Because TV programming is available all year long.

Major TV networks have made a concerted effort over the last number of years to start up returning and new TV programs throughout the year to avoid the traditional logjam of scores of TV shows that begin in the fall.



Upfront advertising sales activity — just beginning a slow process now — traditionally has TV marketers making deals with TV networks for an entire season, starting in September and running through May.

Other research from the Videology survey reveals that consumers now say 69% of their favorite shows aired somewhere other than “network TV.” Some 39% say their favorite TV shows only air online.

Scott Ferber, chairman/chief executive officer of Videology, stated: “Brands have more opportunities than ever to continuously reach consumers fully engaged in top-notch programming, and the idea of a yearly TV season may soon be a distant memory.”

1 comment about "Fall TV Debuts Disrupted By Year-Round, Cross-Platform Viewing".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, June 24, 2015 at 11:57 a.m.

    The broadcast networks began "Second Season"  ( winter ) new show introductions in 1967 following ABC's success with "Batman" in 1966. Soon after, they began launching new shows at other times as well. So this is nothing new. The main reason for this is the fact that the networks order very few episodes of many new shows that they are uncertain about---rating wise. This reduces their risk in case of bad Nielsens. If a show tanks, they let its first 7-12 episodes play out and dump it---or drop the show entirely in the Fall and use the remaining ordered episodes later to amortize their costs. If a new show pulls unexpectedly high Nielsens---which happens from time to time----the network orders another round of episodes to finish the season.

    Another factor diminishing the impact of the fall prime time program launches is competition. Until the late 1990s, these were the mediums' big annual event---something many of us looked forward to. Now, there are many other attractions on cable ---which has its share of first-run shows to offer--- and venues like Netflix. As a result, the broadcast networks' new shows just aren't that important to many people. Times have changed.

    Regarding the idea of a "yearly" TV season being irrelevant, from a programming continuity viewpoint, it has been for a long time. The 12-month October-September time frame is, in reality, more of a budgeting planning device which allows the sellers to organize their GRP "inventory" and the buyers to account for their client's audience and merchandising needs well in advance.

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