NEW! Lean Cuisine Rebrands With #WeighThis Campaign -- And It's Not Pounds

Lean Cuisine has launched an online video to support its rebranding theme, #WeighThis. Rather than stressing about a number on a scale, Lean Cuisine wants consumers to weigh the things in life that matter most to them. Often, these precious items cannot be measured. When a series of women of all sizes are asked to approach a scale, it's clear that none of them want to be weighed. When told that they will not be weighed, the women are visibly thrilled. The women are then asked about their biggest accomplishment and answers include getting divorced, going back to college, making the dean's list as a single mother, weightlifting, donating bone marrow to a sick sibling, and traveling the world. Nice to see the woman weigh their achievements rather than themselves.  Watch it here, created by 360i.



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