Addressable TV: More Excitement Than With Digital?

While programmatic media efforts continue to grow for many marketers, one financial marketer says another data-centric media format, addressable TV, is gaining big buzz at his company -- more so than with digital formats.

“We have had more excitement internally about moving towards addressable TV than any digital targeting capability we have today,” says Michael Turcotte, marketing director of JPMorgan Chase, in speaking at the OMMA Programmatic Display event.

“The ability toward household-level targeting is the benefit, says Turcotte. Addressable is akin to some digital formats, like programmatic: “Our definition of programmatic is data and technology.”

In the past three quarters, JPMorgan Chase has done six tests in addressable TV. Right now, Turcotte says a good portion of its ad budget is in linear TV, though upfront or scatter deals.

Still, digital data is helping maximize TV results. “We are partnering with a couple of cable operators in matching their data set to ours to really understand viewing patterns.”

Turcotte much of the financial marketer’s campaign, three quarters of its paid advertising, is in brand awareness campaigns --  “upper and mid funnel”. “A lot of messaging has been to drive in-branch [efforts],” he says. “As a result, contest and context really matter.”

So where does programmatic fit in?

“Finding the well lit environments that help us scale.” How much? Not as high as you might think. “Even if it’s 600,000 that is scale to me.”

Last year, Turcotte said JPMorgan Chase ran on 150 sites, including ad networks and/or demand-side platforms (DSP). Turcotte would like to get it to a more manageable 10 to 15 sites.

1 comment about "Addressable TV: More Excitement Than With Digital?".
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  1. Henry Blaufox from Dragon360, October 2, 2015 at 11:30 a.m.

    While programmatic targeting can be applied to broadcast audiences, the big difference is that ad inventory is finite, and truly scarce; thus the higher price. Because of the scarcity, gains from workflow efficiency that automation provides will be less than with online.

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