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Shine to IAB: Focus on the True "Bad Actors"

  • AdAge, Wednesday, April 27, 2016 6:58 AM
Roi Carthy, Chief Marketing Officer at Shine, that helps wireless carriers bring mobile ad blocking to consumers worldwide responds to a column by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) that asserts that "ad blocking at the network level undercuts consumers' ability to control the content they see and don't see." Carthy argues that some members have reached out to Shine and are having thoughtful discussions about creating a sustainable model for ad tech that doesn't put consumers at risk. Shine, he said, offers consumers the choice to protect themselves from the abusive practices of ad tech. "The IAB leadership -- clearly at odds with some of its membership -- would be best served by focusing on the true 'bad actors' -- those ad-tech companies that draw in consumers, without their choice, into $7.2 billion of ad fraud in the U.S. this year alone," Carthy wrote.

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