NEW! Open House Gives Buyers A Look At Poverty In Canada

"Poverty isn't always easy to see" is a campaign for the Salvation Army in Canada that aims to educate Canadians that 1 in 10 residents live in poverty. An actual open house was staged to illustrate how poverty can be easily hidden. The exterior of the home looked well-kept, but potential buyers saw something drastically different when they entered the house. Inside, there was hardly any furniture and bills late to be paid. Poverty statistics were placed throughout the home, like "1 in 7 children go to school hungry" and "1 in 5 Canadians skip meals to make ends meet." The goal of the campaign is to show that poverty doesn't necessarily mean homeless, and to encourage donations from Canadians outside of the holiday season. See the open house here, created by Grey Canada. MediaCom handled the media buying and planning.



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