Wunderman Helps Raise Trauma Awareness

Wunderman is lending its support pro-bono for a new initiative spearheaded by Futures Without Violence, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Ad Council.

The "Changing Minds" campaign is designed to motivate teachers, coaches, school counselors, school nurses and other adults who regularly interact with children to take meaningful action in supporting kids who have been affected by trauma. 

The idea behind the campaign is that adults can reverse the negative impact that witnessing violence has on a child’s brain and increase a child’s chance of success through “everyday gestures,” like comforting, listening and collaborating.

Wunderman is responsible for the website, videos, and social media. The short films share moving, surprise reunions between an adult who suffered childhood trauma and the person in their life who helped them overcome that trauma. These shorts, which are inspired by real stories, then urge public action to address children’s exposure to violence and trauma by visiting changingmindsnow.org

The spots will run on social platforms and there will be some print to support the initiative as well. 



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