
The Mindful Democracy Manifesto

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -- Winston Churchill

Call it the Frog in Boiling Water Syndrome. It happens when creeping changes in our environment reach a disruptive tipping point that triggers massive change -- or, sometimes, a dead frog.  I think we’re going through one such scenario now. In this case, the boiling water may be technology, and the frog may be democracy.

As I said in Online Spin last week, the network effects of President elect Donald Trump’s victory may be yet another unintended consequence of technology.

I walked through the dynamics I believe lay behind the election last week in some detail. This week, I want to focus more on the impact of technology on democratic elections in general. In particular, I wanted to explore the net effects of technology, the spread of information and sweeping populist movements like we saw on Election Day.

In an ideal world, access to information should be the bedrock of effective democracy. Ironically, however, now that we have more access than ever, that bedrock is being chipped away. There has been a lot of finger pointing at the dissemination of fake news on Facebook, but that’s just symptomatic of a bigger ill. The real problem is the filter bubbles and echo chambers that formed on social networks. They formed because friction has been eliminated.

The way we were informed in this election looked very different from what happened in past elections.

Information is now spread more through emergent social networks than through editorially controlled media channels. That makes it subject to unintended network effects.  Because the friction of central control has been largely eliminated, the spread of information relies on the rules of emergence: the aggregated and amplified behaviors of individual agents.

When it comes to predicting behaviors of individual human agents, our best bet is placed on the innate behaviors that lie below the threshold of rational thought. Up to now, social conformity was a huge factor. And the rallying point of that social conformity was largely formed and defined by information coming from the mainstream media. The trend of that information over the past several decades has been to the left end of the ideological spectrum. Political correctness is one clear example of this evolving trend.

But in this past election, there was a shift in individual behavior thanks to the elimination of friction in the spread of information -- away from social conformity and toward other primal behaviors.

Xenophobia is one such behavior. Much as some of us hate to admit it, we’re all xenophobic to some degree. Humans naturally choose the familiar over the foreign. It’s an evolved survival trait. And, as American economist Thomas Schelling showed in 1971, it doesn’t take a very high degree of xenophobia to lead to significant segregation.  He showed that even people who only have a mild preference to be with people like themselves (about 33%) would, given the ability to move wherever they wished, lead to highly segregated neighborhoods. Imagine then the segregation that happens when friction is essentially removed from social networks. You don’t have to be a racist to want to be with people who agree with you. Liberals are definitely guilty of the same bias.

What happened in the election of 2016 were the final death throes of the mythical Homo Politicus: the fiction of the rational voter.  Just like Homo Economicus -- who predeceased him/her thanks to the ground breaking work of psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman -- much as we might believe we make rational voting choices, we are all a primal basket of cognitive biases. And these biases were fed a steady stream of misinformation and questionable factoids thanks to our homogenized social connections.

This was not just a right-wing trend. The left was equally guilty. Emergent networks formed and headed in diametrically opposed directions. In the middle, unfortunately, was the future of the country -- and, perhaps, democracy. Because, with the elimination of information distributional friction, we have to ask the question, “What will democracy become?”

I have an idea, but I’ll warn you, it’s not a particularly attractive one.

If we look at democracy in the context of an emergent network, we can reasonably predict a few things. If the behaviors of the individual agents are not uniform -- if half always turn left and half always turn right -- that dynamic tension will set up an oscillation. The network will go through opposing phases. The higher the tension, the bigger the amplitude and the more rapid the frequency of those oscillations.  The country will continually veer right and then veer left.

Because those voting decisions are driven more by primal reactions than rational thought, votes will become less about the optimal future of the country and more about revenge on the winner of the previous election. As the elimination of friction in information distribution accelerates, we will increasingly be subject to the threshold mob effect I described in my last column.

So, is democracy dead? Perhaps. At a minimum, it is debilitated. At the beginning of the column, I quoted Winston Churchill. Here is another quote from Churchill: Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

We are incredibly reluctant to toy with the idea of democracy. It is perhaps the most cherished ideal we cling to in the Western world. But if democracy is the mechanism for a never-ending oscillation of retribution, perhaps we should be brave enough to consider alternatives. In that spirit, I put forward the following: mindful democracy.

The best antidote to irrationality is mindfulness: forcing our prefrontal cortex to kick in and lift us above our primal urges. But how do we encourage mindfulness in a democratic context? How do we break out of our social filter bubbles and echo chambers?

What if we made the right to vote contingent on awareness? What if you had to take a test before you cast your vote? The objective of the test is simple: how aware were you not only of your candidate’s position and policies, but, more importantly, that of the other side? You don’t have to agree with the other side’s position; you just have to be aware of it. Your awareness score would then be assigned as a weight to your vote. The higher your level of awareness, the more your vote would count.

I know I’m tiptoeing on the edge of sacrilege here, but consider it a straw man. I’ve been hesitating in going public with this, but I’ve been thinking about it for some time and I’m not so sure it’s worse than the increasingly shaky democratic status quo we currently have. It’s equally fair to the right and left. It encourages mindfulness. It breaks down echo chambers.

It’s worth thinking about.
2 comments about "The Mindful Democracy Manifesto".
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  1. Scott Brinker from ion interactive, inc., November 22, 2016 at 1:29 p.m.

    Lots of things to think about here, Gord. "Democracy" seems somewhat similar to "strategy" — lots of people like to think they're doing it, but what it means and how it's translated into practice has high variance.

    As for your mindful democracy suggestion, I would humbly note that whoever designs and scores the awareness test would seem to be the de facto ruler.


  2. Paula Lynn from Who Else Unlimited, November 22, 2016 at 3:42 p.m.

    Democracy was a form of government covened by the Greeks. Winston Churchill was certainly a brilliant wordsmith but the quote goes back to the ancient Greeks (Plato). Democracy included all land holding free men with a government working with a healthy slave economy. Slaves were never freed like in Hollywood movies although some had more freedom than others. Here in the US, we pledge allegiance to the republic for which it stands and we were never a democracy, but it sure is a great battle cry. Denial of human/social/equal rights is the fight. That is not only where we are now, but the fear is that those who want to deny will do so. The US is not immune to indentured servitude, interment or murder under the law. As for technology, we are doomed by our own selfishness. If anyone thinks only the good guys will use technology, a rude awaking There is no such thing as freedom. Freedom is not free. Nothing is free. The world revolves around fear for fear has kept us alive, but fear of the wrong things will kill us because we protect the wrong flank. And lot of people are going to die. ....That's the short version. BTW, that thinking thing....on what planet ? If you want change then incorporate mandatory financial courses from piggy banking in K through 12 in compound interest and governmental structure. It will take a generation and patience. 

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