
Agency Develops App Which Determines How Often Men Interrupt Women

Sort of like mansplaining and manspreading, there's an analogous thing that's now being called Manterupption and one agency is out to put a stop to it. Or, at least, create awareness of the problem. Manterupption is the act of a man interrupting a women in mid-conversation. In other words disallowing her to finish her thought before he gets his word in. 

BETC Sao Paolo created an app called WomanInterrupted which, when launched, can analyze a conversation and determine how many times a man interrupted a woman. The campaign, which includes a series of posters, and app were designed to coincide with International Women's Day which occurs on March 8.  

Along with the app, the agency has launched a website on which you can view the campaign video, share your thoughts about manterruptions and download the app. The site also contains examples of manterruption as well as third party articles and studies on the phenomenon. There is also a map that will collect and track data from the app to indicate where manterruption is most prevalent. 

I'm guessing this is an app every woman could use in her next agency meeting.




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