NEW! Bayer Aspirin Hopes To Save Lives With 'HeroSmiths'

A heart attack occurs every 42 seconds, and chewing Bayer Aspirin could help save the lives of heart attack victims. Most people don't walk around with aspirin in their purses or wallets, but Bayer Aspirin wants to change that.

Bayer wants everyone with the most popular last name in America to carry aspirin with them. That way, if something goes wrong for them, a family member, or even a stranger on the street, a life can potentially be saved.

There are more than 2.44 million Americans with the last name Smith, so "HeroSmiths" was launched in Fort Smith, Ark., a city with one of the highest heart attack rates in the country, and a decent population of Smiths. A 2:15 video describes the initiative and interviews residents named Smith who survived heart attacks.

The 1,800 residents of Fort Smith with the last name Smith received a HeroSmith kit to help save lives. Check out to watch videos from heart attack survivors, read about the symptoms of heart attacks in both men and women and print out a coupon for aspirin. Energy BBDO created the campaign.



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