
Just An Online Minute... Minutiae: Tony Ponies, Woody, and the Girls

  • by July 18, 2005
Woody, Get a Life Please ...: Live, from the polo grounds in Bridgehampton this weekend, the Minute caught actor Woody Harrelson skirt-chasing his way to get the attention of a young model standing on line to use the ladies room. It was a sight to behold - those piercing, larger-than-life blue eyes; the deranged, insistent gaze; a gaggle of security people; and the confused looks from women in the queue, including this here Minute.

Now what was the 44-year-old actor doing chasing a Barbie doll who was at least half his age? INSERT laugh track here. Woody turned out for the polo parties and to pal around with his actor-buddy Owen Wilson who played host to the opening weekend of Bridgehampton polo.

But more importantly, what was the Minute doing in a place like Bridge, the tony playground for New York's bold-faced names and the celebrities who love them? Yahoo! invited the Minute and others to a lounge it set up on Saturday. The Internet giant dispensed purple Yahootinis, had DJ Q-Tip spinning, and set up a poker table on the premises. Mercedes-Benz was the primary sponsor of the event. Jason Binn, publisher of Niche Media's Hamptons, Gotham, and other society titles, was there to make sure Howard Stern's model galpal Beth Ostrowski got plenty of press.

Back to Woody: Having ascended the perilous stairs to the ladies room, the Minute noticed Woody gesticulating that someone get the model's attention. The Minute happened to be standing in line directly behind said model - we were, and still are, half Barbie's size... We turn, look back, then say to the model: "That's Woody Harrelson." Model says: "Who's that, I don't know him." Both of us head into our respective stalls.

Talk about a generation gap. Or, just a gap. Names Jennifer Sizemore Deputy Editor-News: There's word today that found someone to head up's news operation. We don't exactly know whether this is the position Dean Wright,'s editor-in-chief, exited recently to do something big at Reuters, but Sizemore does carry a different title. She will lead the news teams on the East and West Coasts, as well as's franchise reporting team.

Sizemore was the deputy managing editor at the Houston Chronicle, and prior to that, she was an assistant managing editor at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Welcome Jennifer! is cranking...

TiVo Upgrade: TiVo upgraded its service to allow nearly 1 million subscribers to respond to coded advertising. TiVo says the new system will enable viewers who want to learn more about a product or service to release their name and contact information to advertisers.

The specially tagged ads will appear as small pictures bearing branded logos. Viewers will be able to see them even when they fast forward through commercials. Wow! The upgrade is currently available to TiVo Series 2 subscribers, but it's bound to go wider.

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