Carl Fremont Is The New CEO At Quigley-Simpson

Quigley-Simpson has appointed Carl Fremont CEO. The agency hasn't had a CEO in several years, with co-founders Gerald Bagg and Renee Hill Young most recently serving as joint chiefs. Both co-founders will remain active in the business. 

Fremont will oversee management of all aspects of the firm, including strategic direction. 

One priority: expanding the firm’s data and analytics practice.

"We are incredibly proud that many of our clients have been with us since our beginning [17+ years ago], and when employees come here, they usually make it their home. Carl understands all of these components of our DNA, and is a perfect fit to lead our agency” stated Bagg.

Fremont has a diverse background in consumer behavior, data and technology.

Most recently, he served as president of the Wavemaker-Wunderman Alliance where he oversaw projects that the two WPP agencies collaborated on. Prior to that, Fremont was global Chief Digital Officer for MEC/Wavemaker and earlier spent thirteen years at Digitas serving as Chief Media Officer. 

He is also active in pushing the industry to advance talent from diverse backgrounds. His advocacy roles have ranged from Co-Chair of the Ad Club’s Media Action board to serving as a mentor in the She Runs It program. Fremont was named the 2012 OMMA All-Star “Person of the Year" by MediaPost.

“Marketing has evolved and clients are holding their marketing investments to very high standards of performance and accountability," says Fremont. "From day one, Quigley-Simpson has been a place that creates dynamic work for brands to express what is meaningful to their audiences, as well as bring together the performance side to ultimately drive business outcomes.”


1 comment about "Carl Fremont Is The New CEO At Quigley-Simpson".
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  1. Joe Shain from Allscope Direct, November 13, 2019 at 10:21 a.m.

    Congratulations Carl so well deserved !!

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