Angel Soft Packages New Look, Based On Animated Spot

Angel Soft is capitalizing on its animated Angel baby icon, created by Grey New York, on new packaging, which hits retail stores nationwide mid-February. Design agency SoulSight created the packaging.

Grey New York, named the brand's agency partner in 2021, rolled out a new animated spot in January 2023, running on TVC, streaming video, OLV social, audio and shopper marketing.

The Angel character replaced the brand's photo-realistic baby, which had appeared on packaging since its launch in 1987. Since last year's campaign, the brand has recorded increases in volume share, buy rate and awareness. It's carried at Walmart, Target, Kroger, among other retail outlets.

Desiree Sullivan, senior brand manager, brand building, Angel Soft, told Agency Daily: “Bringing Angel to the front of our packaging with a fresh, innovative design reinforces our message that Angel Soft toilet paper is dependable — and also creates a differentiated experience our customers can trust.”



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