Tired of Super Bowl Betting Pools, Try The NAD's Ad Claims Bingo Game

The good news for Super Bowl advertisers is more people watch their spots than in any other single event. The bad news is that some of those watching may be from a self-regulatory body taking a close look at some of their claims.

On a somewhat less serious note, that body, the National Advertising Division of the BBB National Programs has just published a play-at-home "Super Bowl Ad Claims Bingo" game.

"Watch the commercials and check off the claims as they appear – look for mega influencers, sustainability claims, small font disclosures, and more," says a BBB National Programs spokesperson in an email circulating the new gameboard to the press.

While there's no actual prize associated with the ad claims game -- other than bragging rights -- the bureau's communications team "thought it might be fun for those of us watching from our POV," the spokesperson said.



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