Where Shoppers Spent On CyberMonday: Apparel

  • December 4, 2006
For all the hype around the trendy (cool consumer electronics) and the traditional (toys and jewelry), what consumers really wanted on CyberMonday were clothes.

Nielsen//NetRatings reports that apparel and accessories led the way on Nov. 27, with 19 percent of online spending, and an average order size of $75.79. Shoppers seemed to pounce on promotions and discounts to buy things for themselves, as well.

The next largest categories were office supplies and computer hardware with 13 percent and 11 percent, respectively. (Average order size was $159.49 for office supplies and $283.31 for computer hardware.)

Spending on home and garden items came next, with 10 percent of online spending, followed by toys, games and hobbies with 8 percent, consumer electronics with 7 percent, and shoes and athletic footwear with 5 percent.



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