Mercedes To Urge Europeans To 'C-for Yourself'

Mercedes-Benz is launching a European marketing campaign to promote its C-Class sedan, which is the Mercedes entry model and volume brand. The effort, "C-for Yourself," starting March 31, includes TV ads, exclusive driving events, a C-Class Mobile Marketing campaign, a presence in Linden Labs' Second Life virtual world and interactive online films.

The effort, via BBDO France, with Mercedes' new German agency, Jung von Matt, includes print ads in Europe starting April 2 in magazines and newspapers. A 30- to-40-second TV spot will be on public and commercial stations in Germany, and will feature Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso, describing the handling of the car.

The effort includes an online presentation at, where the vehicle can be configured in 3-D through an interactive assistant. Interactive films feature people describing the vehicle as they take the car for a drive.

The company is also launching for the first time a Mobile Special, featuring images of the car's interior and exterior, events and invitations, films, photos and engine sounds to mobile phones and devices.



Mercedes is touting the mobile special on Vodafone live and other portals. Mercedes will also offer virtual C-Class test drives and sales in Second Life.

Per a Mercedes spokesperson, the C-Class begins arriving in the U.S. in August, so the U.S. arm is still working on its campaign. However, "there will be elements of that campaign in ours, adapted to the U.S. market."

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