
Just An Online Minute... Wal-Mart, MTV Try To Bite Into Apple

Apple's iTunes faces some new competition on at least two different fronts.

Wal-Mart has started selling some digital downloads without the much-hated anti-copying restrictions that usually come with iTunes purchases. Individual tracks are priced at 94 cents - - 5 cents less than iTunes.

The move comes several weeks after Universal Music said it will allow some songs to be sold free of the digital rights management software that hinders people from copying the music - - but won't let Apple sell such DRM-free tracks.

Currently, most iTunes tracks are sold with DRM restrictions that prevent users from easily playing them on devices other than iPods. While Apple recently began selling some DRM-free tracks from EMI for $1.29 each - - 30% more than the usual price - - the program so far has been limited.

Additionally, MTV Networks said today it has partnered with Rhapsody's RealNetworks to launch their own online music store to rival Apple. Verizon Wireless will handle mobile distribution.

Clearly, Apple's rivals are hoping to break the company's dominance in digital music sales. If the ramped-up competition leads to even more price wars or options for DRM-free music, all the better, both for consumers and the online industry overall.

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