'Prison' Ad Leaves Its Mark

Tattooing its way into the hearts and eyes of "Prison Break" fans, TV Guide will offer a 16-page booklet on the show sponsored by longtime marketer Toyota Motors--as well as running print ads featuring special tattoo art.

The promo effort works in conjunction with Fox's "Prison Break" story line, which has had character Michael Scofield tattooed with the prison's architectural blueprints. In the two print advertising spreads to run in TV Guide, tattoos are featured in the front and back of a man's torso.

Incorporated into the body art design are renderings of Toyota Yaris car models, as well as the Toyota logo. Tattoo artist Tom Berg--who did the art on actor Wentworth Miller, who plays Scofield--designed the print ads.

The "Prison Break" booklet comes out in the mag's Oct. 8 issue--timed for the new season of the show. Fox One, the Fox network's in-house cross-divisional marketing team, put the deal together.

Toyota has a marketing partnership with the show that includes Fox Broadcasting, TV Guide Network, TV Guide magazine, Fox.com and MySpace.

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