NBC Rejects Pro-War Spot Due To Site Link

Advocacy TV advertising was stopped in its tracks again by a major TV network.

NBC rejected a seemingly harmless advertising message by a group called Freedom's Watch, which essentially expressed thanks to the troops in Iraq. The ads are also scheduled to run on CNN and Fox News Channel, as well as print versions in newspapers, including The New York Times.

NBC said it declined to air the ad because it refers to the group's Web site, which made the spot too overtly political--a position that NBC and other networks have consistently taken for many years. NBC asked the organization to delete the Web site so the ad could run. Freedom's Watch refused.

The Freedom's Watch group, which is a pro-Bush Administration, pro-Iraqi War group, knew it was walking a tightrope. Freedom Watch President Brad Blakeman told the Associated Press: "Anybody in the world who would look at this ad would come away with nothing other than we should be thankful for their service."

The mention of the Web site on the ad pushed the TV spot into what is known as advocacy advertising. It is routine for networks to reject advertising messages that deal with political controversies.

NBC previously rejected a Freedom's Watch ad that addressed funding for the troops.

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