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General Mills, Kraft Go For Word-Of-Mouth Buzz

General Mills has launched "Pssst...," an online network that gives members the scoop on the latest product news and offerings, and Kraft has kicked off, which lets consumers share the newest coupon and sampling offers.

Pssst uses an initial survey to help gauge product preferences. Once registered, users can voice their opinions via blog posts, share online coupon offers and recipes, and test new sample kits via the mail. also includes features such as a member spotlight, product reviews, discussion boards and a photo-sharing tool.

Both companies are following the footsteps of Procter & Gamble whose Tremor, which recruits teen word-of-mouth marketers, launched in 2001. Vocalpoint for moms went up four years later.

Food and beverage brands are perfect for W-O-M tactics, says Ed Keller, CEO of the Keller Fay Group, whose TalkTrack study finds that foods and beverages are the most talked about product verticals.



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