Poll: Buyers Don't Want Cars From Bankrupt Maker

More bad news for media companies hoping for a rebound from automakers: Some 52% of Americans say they would not buy or lease a car from a manufacturer that has filed for bankruptcy.

The findings come from a survey conducted by CNBC and Portfolio.com as domestic automakers--which have drastically cut ad spending recently--may be teetering on the brink of seeking bankruptcy protection.

The poll surveyed 800 Americans from Dec. 1-3. Some 37% said they would be willing to buy a vehicle from a company under protection, while 11% said they were unsure.

About 57% of women responded that they were unwilling to buy from an automaker in bankruptcy, while 60% of people making less than $30,000 a year said the same.

CNBC said the disinclination to buy a car from a bankrupt manufacturer cuts across multiple lines: "The survey finds that more than half of all respondents in every demographic group measured-- including age, political affiliation, income or region of the country --[are] unwilling or unsure of buying a car from a company under bankruptcy protection."



1 comment about "Poll: Buyers Don't Want Cars From Bankrupt Maker".
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  1. Lauren Johnson from MediaVest, December 8, 2008 at 2:18 p.m.

    Let's take this poll with a grain of salt. Sample size = 0.00026% of US population.

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