• Ad Targeting Among Companies Affected By Amazon Outage
    Amazon points to human error for the disruption in its cloud services resulting in widespread outages and glitches for Internet-connected devices from companies like Nest, as well as advertisers, news sites, and government services. But with millions -- if not a billion -- of business dollars dependent on AWS, doesn't it make sense to have automated checks and balances?
  • YP Opportunity Points To Machine Learning
    Local, mobile and logged-in location-based advertising that leverages 8 terabytes of data monthly to connect buyers and sellers seems like a lofty goal for any company -- especially one that doesn't yet rely on artificial intelligence or machine learning. Not for Jared Rowe, who took the helm as CEO of YP.com in August 2016.
  • Budgets, Goals Common Digital Hurdle In Creating Experiences
    One in five respondents of a study released Wednesday believe their organization does not do enough in-person research to understand its audiences, and only 32% are extremely confident that their data reporting leads to a greater understanding of their users.
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