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Effective Marketing Writing

Many marketing professionals face triple responsibilities when they write. First, their messages must be extremely clear and to the point. Second, their messages must stand out and engage increasingly distracted readers. And third, they must write effectively in a dizzying array of formats, from websites to Tweets to e-articles, ad copy to blogs, case studies to video scripts. Meeting these three writing responsibilities consistently can challenge the skill sets of even excellent writers. Effective Marketing Writing, a two-day workshop, will provide participants with practical strategies to meet these challenges. 
The first day focuses on best marketing writing practices including a discussion-based refresher of key marketing writing principles. The discussions will involve a wide range of current writing in the marketplace, including writing for social media such as Twitter and Instagram. Analysis will highlight best practices as well as what’s good about the bad examples and what’s bad about the good examples. 
Another popular part of this first day is a review what grammar and punctuation rules are the same in business and marketing writing – and which are different. 

In the last phase of the first day, participants will get the chance to review their own writing samples in light of the principles, guidelines, and tips they’ve covered throughout the day. Finally, after an initial revision, as guided by their instructor, they will set writing and revision goals for the second day.

Contact: Marla Chupack American Mareketing Association , 312-542-9000, mchupack@ama.org

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