
Brands Talk Timeline

Let’s talk Timeline! -- Facebook's Timeline for Brands, which recently forced brands and agencies to change their approach to the Web’s top social platform.

It’s been a “big shift” for brands, according Patrick Chen, Manager of Social Product Strategy and Marketing Operations at Clickable -- "from an ad strategy to a content strategy." Now, said Chen, brands have to ask themselves how they can generate engaging content, and think about ad strategy later.

“Timeline did present a little bit of a challenge,” admitted Jill Dodge, Managing Director of Global Marketing at NASDAQ OMX. The goal now is making sure content is “super engaging.”

If nothing else, Timeline “looks better,” said Julie Fajgenbaum, Group Vice President of Brand Social at American Express OPEN. The platform is more “visually appealing,” and that’s better for brands, she said. Also, “We can sort of convey our message more clearly.”

As Fajgenbaum notes, however, not many consumers are coming to AmEx’s Facebook pages. They’re “liking” the brand’s pages -- and, as a result, seeing its message in their newsfeeds -- but rarely returning to the pages themselves.

1 comment about "Brands Talk Timeline".
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  1. Zoe Geddes-Soltess from Radian6, May 16, 2012 at 5:37 p.m.

    Content marketing is becoming increasingly important for brands in order to connect with their customers. I think the fact that many people don't visit brand pages on Facebook and rely on what they see in their newsfeeds makes it all the more important for brands to be producing and sharing engaging content. That being said, I do appreciate the new Facebook timeline and have seen some great examples of brands using it to their advantage to tell their story. Thanks for the article!

    Zoe Geddes-Soltess
    Community Engagement, Radian6

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