Super Bowl Viewers See Ads As Entertainment First, Marketing Second

Overall, TV viewers still see Super Bowl commercials as pure entertainment, but are also savvy enough to know they are still being marketed to.

Over 77% say Super Bowl commercials are “entertainment,” according to eMarketer, in a study conducted for the National Retail Federation. But 20% say those spots “make me aware of advertisers’ brands.”

This came from a survey of over 6,300 adults on January 22.

As part of this effort, nearly 17% of TV consumers believe “advertisers should save their money and pass on the savings on to us.”

A smaller percentage of viewers -- nearly 10% -- say Super Bowl spots make the overall telecast last too long. Almost the same number say those spots have influence, driving them online for more information.

Fewer TV viewers are disgruntled over Super Bowl commercials: 7% say they interrupt the game and 5% say they “bother” them.

An increasingly number of social media interactions happen around the Super Bowl: 65 million people worldwide used Facebook to talk about the game, says eMarketer.

Another study from AdParlor says 82% of U.S. marketers will use Facebook in their overall Super Bowl advertising campaigns; 69% using YouTube and 68% for Twitter.

Last year’s Super Bowl tallied 114.4 million viewers, according to Nielsen -- the most-watched single TV show in U.S. history.

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