
Who Will Earn The ARF Erwin Ephron Demystification Award 2018?

What do Bill Harvey, David Poltrack, Irwin Gotlieb and Dr. Jim Spaeth all have in common? Each has won the “Erwin Ephron Demystification Award” given by the ARF over the past four years to celebrate Erwin and his legacy. Those of you who remember Erwin -- and perhaps one or two of his inimitable presentations or writings that make the latest complex concepts appear quite easy to understand and embrace -- know the qualities he brought to the industry. Our prior winners are justifiably proud to have earned this accolade named after one of the titans of our industry.

Among Erwin’s qualities that the Selection Committee is seeking from nominees for this year’s Award are:

  1. Challenges conventional thinking

  2. Promotes proactive debate and creative ideas

  3. advertisement


    Translates ideas into action

  4. Instills thoughtful understanding through clear articulation in public speaking and in writing

  5. Embraces analytics and/or technology that address the complexities of modern markets

  6. Encourages collegiality

  7. Moves the industry and will leave a legacy

There are some other requirements and qualifications, but on behalf of the ARF and the “Demystification” selection committee, please submit your nominations no later than May 4th. You can download the required forms here. The committee is eagerly awaiting submissions in what has been a very tough judging process every year.  

This prestigious Award will be presented at the ARF’s AudienceXScience Conference in Jersey City, on June 12 and 13. In addition to this award ceremony, the program will, as always, present the latest in leading-edge ad and media measurement techniques and approaches.  

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