MoonPie Aims Global Campaign At New Demo: Aliens

MoonPie is taking inclusivity to new heights.

Astronomer Carl Sagan was iffy on extraterrestrial life on Venus or Mars, but at a July congressional hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), various experts testified that aliens do exist — on Earth.

For MoonPie, the marshmallow, graham and chocolate snack, that means a new intergalactic demographic. Do aliens like sweet treats? The food company teamed with Tombras, its AOR, and headed to the center of alien activity on Earth — New Mexico — to determine how to reach them.

Experts consulted include Sean Cahill, retired U.S. Navy Chief; Daniel Oberhaus, alien linguistics expert and author of “Extraterrestrial Languages,” a book that describes multiple means of communication with aliens; and Holly Wood, a UAP researcher and communications director at the Investigate the Unknown platform.



Assuming aliens live longer than humans, per the new ad, the profit potential is enticing.

Tombras created a global outdoor campaign exclusively for non-human entities. It features static, mobile and digital billboards, airplane and boat banners in specific UAP hotspots, such as Times Square NYC, Washington DC, Roswell, NM, Cape Canaveral, London and Tokyo.

The four-minute spot is here. There is also a site that includes an offer to become an alien-fluencer.

Cahill said: “If we have non-human biologics, are there living non-humans among us? If there’s even a chance of that, communicating with them should be a top priority because it means taking one step closer to answering the ultimate question. Are we alone, or are we part of something much larger?”

Dooley Tombras, president of Tombras, had more practical concerns. “Wouldn't it be awesome for MoonPie to go down in history as the brand that makes first confirmed contact with non-humans? And then captures the market.”

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