
Newspaper Websites Strong, Attracting Upscale Readers

According to the Newspaper Association of America, based on data provided by comScore, newspaper websites in the fourth quarter of 2011 averaged more than 111 million monthly unique visitors, an increase of more than 6 million compared with the same period a year ago. The analysis also indicates continuing strong performance in other key engagement and demographic metrics important to advertisers, with 63% of all adult Internet users visiting newspaper websites.

A comparison of newspaper website usage data year-over-year for the fourth quarter showed that average daily visitors increased by more than 3 million, or nearly 15%. Unique visitors increased nearly 6%, while total minutes increased 14%.

Caroline Little, NAA president and CEO, says “The data for 2011 demonstrate the growing appeal of newspapers’ online content... particularly for engaged, informed and affluent users... whom advertisers... buying political advertising... seek to reach...  70% of Internet users with household income above $60,000 are reached by newspaper websites, a reach that climbs to 75% when looking at household incomes above $100,000.”

Other key findings of the analysis show that during the fourth quarter:

  • For people ages 45 to 54, newspaper website percentage reach of Internet users climbed to 67%
  • Within the 18-to-34 demographic, newspaper website reach of Internet users remained at or above 60%. 

Newspapers are answering these numbers with a steady stream of innovative strategies designed to maintain and build their digital audiences, says the report. Recent product launches include animated editorials; a fashion-focused niche app; an app for local ticket sales; and branded game apps for advertising customers.

Little concludes that “During all of 2011, the percentage reach of Internet users enjoyed by newspaper websites never dipped below 61%. Web-based and other digital platforms at newspapers are capturing, and holding, attention in the marketplace.”

For additional information from the NAA, please visit here.




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