
Welch's Fans Create Giant Vine To Help Families

Welch's is encouraging fans to help create "the world's longest Vine" to drive donations of its beverages to families in need.

The "Pass the Glass" campaign, created with The VIA Agency, asks people to use Vine to film videos of themselves passing a glass of juice to someone else, then post the videos to Twitter using the hashtag #ShareWhatsGood. 

The videos are being showcased/ populated on, to create that one long Vine video. 

For each video, Welch's will pass along a bottle of Welch’s Sparkling Grape Juice Cocktail (on top of the 100% Grape Juice Welch’s is already donating) to every family helped by Family-to-Family, a national nonprofit hunger and poverty relief organization that enables more fortunate families to connect with and help families in need. 



Welch's' goal is to receive one Vine video for every family helped by Family-to-Family (currently 505 families). 

If the benchmark of 505 videos is reached, campaign participants will also receive a free bottle of Welch’s Sparkling juice. 

The campaign site shows that 135 videos have been submitted since Welch's began the campaign on Nov. 27. It will continue to accept videos through Dec. 23.

“Pass the Glass” is an extension of Welch’s “Share What’s Good” mission, which inspires moms to find time to connect with family, capture their families’ favorite moments, and share them socially online. 

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