
Get Out The Vote PSA Reaches 89% Of Latino Community

Get out the vote campaigns will be central to the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Both parties are focusing on rallying their own staunch voters, but a number of nonpartisan initiatives targeting those undecideds are making waves nationwide.

Red, White & Blog previously wrote about Viber and Peanuts, which have each made a foray into the political scene by engendering interest in and knowledge of this year’s candidates.

AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts), the global professional association for design, on President’s Day, launched its own Get Out the Vote campaign. It mobilized the design community to support civic engagement and motivate the American population to turn out on November 8.

One particular PSA that emerged from the AIGA initiative featuring actor Edward James Olmos, “Este Ano, Tu Voto Es Cosa Seria,” has reached more than an incredible 46 million people and around 89% of the Latino population. The spot has run daily on Spanish-speaking networks, including Azteca.



AIGA and partners, the League of Women Voters and Mi Familia Vota, among others, are joining forces with Los Angeles, Miami and other large cities to expand the scope of the campaign.

“This PSA has gone viral,” Julie Anixter, executive director of AIGA told Red, White & Blog. “It has run on numerous Spanish-speaking channels and on radio stations, reaching tens of millions of potential and future voters.”

The PSA was inspired by a poster submitted to the AIGA as part of its Get Out the Vote campaign.

Anyone can create a nonpartisan poster focused on civic and voter engagement and submit it for possible display at various locations across America’s cities.

"We want to promote the importance of design in voter engagement, while also motivating people of all political inclinations to flex their civic muscles,” added Anixter. “The Olmos PSA will continue to be pushed out to other media as we get closer to November 8. Our goal is to energize as many voters as possible through the end of voter registration.”

2 comments about "Get Out The Vote PSA Reaches 89% Of Latino Community".
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  1. Sue Harris from Harris, September 14, 2016 at 4:45 p.m.

    all 89% can read? are most legal? Are they no more than lemmings? Is that what hispanic are....

  2. John Hoving from Hoving Associates replied, September 28, 2016 at 10:24 a.m.

    First if you actually read the article you would see this was a PSA on television, which is a visual medium that does not require reading a language. Second, I was wondering what the status of a viewer has to do with the overall fact that this campaign has gone viral. Which brings me to my third question, do you know what the definition of viral? And finally are you really, publically comparing or calling hispanics in this country Lemmings? Do you even know what a Lemming is? For the record a lemming is a small rodent, usually found in or near the Arctic, in tundra biomes. Perhaps you are under the widely popular misconception that they commit mass suicide, they don't. To be perfectly honest, I find your comment and comparison to be not only racist, simple minded and ignorant but a also a statement on who you are as a human being. That you would make such a comment publically is a just a reflection of your own personnel insecurities that you clearly can not contain. Comments like yours have no place in the United States, I would suggest you seek some counsel for your inner fears and embrace acceptance, love and understanding rather than promoting disharmony, segregation and hatred. I will hope you will one day come to a place of understanding and step out of the darkness you currently live in because it's a very sad place to be!

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