Only Half Of Super Bowl Advertisers Score Audience Engagement

Only about half of Super Bowl TV advertisers will see strong engagement results from their media investments..

Doritos, Coca-Cola, Hyundai, M&Ms and Axe are projected to get the best engagement results.

In addition, Super Bowl brands GoDaddy, Heinz, Old Spice, Pepsi, Butterfingers, Wonderful Pistachios, SodaStream, Toyota, and Audi will deliver well -- all findings per market research company BrandKeys’ Super Bowl Engagement Study.

The Super Bowl LXVIII will air on Sunday, February 2 on Fox with the average 30-second commercial going for over $4.2 million.

BrandKeys considers winners as "scoring" 5 or more points, considered an “engagement touchdown”; “losers” post negative numbers -- 5 or more engagement points; and brands hitting a ‘tie” have their brands unaffected.

Top companies, such as Doritos, Coca-Cola, Hyundai, M&Ms, Axe and GoDaddy, earned a 10 or more score from BrandKeys. Those who had “ties” include Budweiser, Cheerios, Chrysler, General Motors and Kia Motors. The loser list includes: Jaguar (-5); Dannon (-6); H&M (-8); Oikos (-8); Volkswagen (-8); Squarespace (-9); TurboTax (-10); and Intuit (-12).

BrandKeys results came from a national sample of 1,660 men and women who indicated they were going to watch the game, and examines 29 brands (excluding movie studios where film specifics which were unavailable), which were reported to be 2014 Super Bowl advertisers.

“Advertising must be judged by not just entertainment value, but how it performs off-field in the marketplace,” stated Robert Passikoff, Brand Keys, founder and president. “Does the ad engage and build the brand? Does it defend against competition? Does it engage enough to drive sales?&rdquo



1 comment about " Only Half Of Super Bowl Advertisers Score Audience Engagement".
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  1. John Grono from GAP Research, January 22, 2014 at 3:39 p.m.

    I'm interested in the methodology. N=1,660 sample and n=29 brands. Does this mean all 1,660 were barraged with all of the 29 ads? Maybe they were shown a sub-set - if so how many ads were shown to each respondent, how were those ads selected and what was the active sample size per observation. If not I surely hope that the ads were rotated so that there were no order effects.

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