• Sainsbury's 'The Greatest Gift' Isn't Worth Giving
    Marketers have been in Christmas mode for a solid two weeks now. We've reached the point where the local waiting-room-rock radio station comes across as disciplined and humane by waiting to switch to a holiday-music-only format until tonight. It's November 18.
  • Gillette Graciously Underwrites Rogue One Commercial
    With the recent debut of "Every Story Has a Face," Gillette becomes the first marketer to get in on the Rogue One action. The clip kicks it Memento-style, commencing with a showdown between Stormtroopers and rebel forces and then traveling backward through the events that took place earlier in one rebel soldier's day. Spoiler: He shaved.
  • Doers Do-Off: Chevron Outflanks Advil And People Magazine
    Indeed: brand marketers have taken to strip-mining the land for inspiring people and their stories, those that can be presented during the best and worst of times.
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