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Miller: The Future is Paid Content

Paid digital media services are the future for media giants like News Corp., News Corp's chief digital officer Jonathan Miller declared at an industry event on Tuesday. He added that the company is pushing to develop new business models that will work for the industry overall. "We will see a return to multiple revenue streams...Free versus pay is one of the really big issues out there," Miller said, but this time, the industry is ready to find answers.

So just how would this work, exactly? "What works for consumers, I think -- and this has to be tested -- are bundles," Miller said, using the example of bundled packages of News Corp.'s various papers and entertainment brands. He avoided questions about the future of online video joint venture Hulu, which is currently ad-supported, referring to it as "an environment for premium content."

As for MySpace, Miller said its problems are product-driven, meaning that the social networking giant requires improvements to its features and service offerings to regain its stature in the social networking space.

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