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Armstrong's First 100 Days Almost Over

Tim Armstrong is now two weeks shy of completing his first 100 days at the helm of AOL. At the beginning of his quest, the former Google sales head said he would examine "how to bring back the magic of AOL." As Armstrong promised in his first memo to the troops, "The culmination of the 100-day process will end in Dulles with an All-Hands meeting in mid-July. At that meeting, we'll review the feedback we've received-both internal and external. We'll also discuss our strategic direction for the coming years, and highlight areas that will bring AOL and AOL properties into the next decade of digital leadership. Most importantly, we will set a course and focus all of our resources to make that course a success."

Kara Swisher notes that so far, Armstrong has been focused on expanding AOL's content assets, strengthening its ad network and getting out of businesses where the company cannot compete, like social networking. "What other pearls of wisdom Armstrong has gleaned are to still to be revealed, presumably," she says.

Since taking over in April, Armstrong has held meetings with employees at AOL's various offices around the globe, including Dulles, New York, Baltimore, San Francisco, Mountain View, Calif., Toronto, Lancaster, Pa., Denver, Hamburg, London, Paris, Bangalore, Dublin, and Tel Aviv. He has given top execs like advertising head Greg Coleman and communications and communities head Joanna Shields their marching orders, while bringing in a few key staffers of his own from his former employer. He has also bought a few content companies, including Patch Media, which he himself funded.

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