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Sprint, Walmart Co-Launch Cheap Carrier

Sprint and Walmart are partnering on the launch of a low-cost wireless phone carrier named Common Cents Mobile. The newest member of Sprint's prepaid portfolio, Common Cents is part of Sprint's prepaid multi-brand strategy. The carrier will be featured exclusively in over 700 Walmarts across the country.

Minutes will billed at 7 cents, while a "Round Down" billing feature will allow "minutes" to last up to 119 seconds, according to Boy Genius Report. "This allows the $20 refill to be good for up to 565 minutes and the $30 up to 848 minutes ... Nifty." Adds BGR, "Being a no-frills carrier, Common Sense doesn't offer a lavish line-up of handsets, but what it does carry is very affordable." At launch, the service will be immediately available in markets particularly hard hit by the sagging economy, including Birmingham, Ala., Detroit, and Orlando, Fla.

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