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Matt Cutts In A Google Instant

Matt Cutts wants to set the record straight: Google Instant did not kill search engine optimization. He includes a video released last year that talks about SEO existing in five years. He says Google tries to make it so that marketers don't need to be an SEO expert. Cutts tells us in time Google Instant might change SEO, and explains that it's possible people will learn to search differently.

Read the whole story at Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO »

1 comment about "Matt Cutts In A Google Instant".
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  1. Chris Nielsen from Domain Incubation, September 13, 2010 at 4:16 p.m.

    People don'tneed to learn to search differently, they just need to learn to search, period!

    Most people don't know how seach works, even a simple thing like using quotes to get more specific results.

    All inst does is show you things that you may be missing if you do too much typing. But in generally it's just distracting.

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