
Referrer Headers Take Center Stage In Privacy Suits

Nearly a dozen years after Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee warned that referrer headers could leak information about Web users, such headers have become the hottest privacy issue to hit the courts.

In the last few weeks, Facebook, Zynga and Google have all been hit with potential class-action privacy lawsuits. In each case, Web users allege that information that could identify them was leaked via referrer headers.

The allegations against Facebook and Zynga, a gaming developer, are relatively straightforward: Those companies allegedly transmitted users' Facebook IDs -- which contained enough data to allow people to be identified -- to advertisers.

The allegations against Google appear to be more complicated. The search company also allegedly transmits information in referrer headers -- but Google allegedly transmits queries, not user IDs. In themselves, however, queries don't necessarily contain enough information to allow Web site operators to figure out visitors' identities. Even when the queries consist of users' names, landing page operators don't know whether those users were conducting vanity searches on their own names or were searching for other people.

The complaint against Google, filed last week in federal district court in San Jose by online user Paloma Gaos, references the AOL Data Valdez -- AOL's decision to release three months worth of search queries for 650,000 users. Within days of the data breach, The New York Times "de-anonynmized" user Thelma Arnold and ran a front-page profile of her.

That example certainly shows that separate pieces of "anonymous" information, when taken together, can result in the identification of a specific person. But the Data Valdez incident also involved many search queries from the same individual. It's not clear that a publisher who only receives a handful of queries from the same user will be able to compile enough information to figure out that person's name.

Still, Google could do a lot more to tell search users that their queries -- and, in many cases, their IP addresses -- will be passed along to their landing pages. Users could then at least make an informed decision about whether they really want to click on a result after putting their names or other potentially sensitive information into the query box.

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  1. Catherine Dwyer from Pace University, November 2, 2010 at 3:38 p.m.

    This is an old problem (according to Tim Berners-Lee), and I suggest an old solution. When browsers execute code (i.e., Ajax or JavaScript), they are acting as an operating system. Every secure operating system has a set of reserved or "privileged" instructions that only the OS can use. Setting values for http header fields should be a privileged instruction. Right now any JavaScript program can download to your machine, collect cookie values or other items of interest, and send back to the server, via a Web beacon, a http header stuffed with scraped user data. So the header is merely acting as a data collection mechanism - this is not the original intent, by any means.

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