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Report: TV Not That "Social"

TV watching isn't as "social" an experience as you might assume. Indeed, just 25% of consumers express an interest in sharing what they're watching with friends, according to a new study from SideReel. The company, which helps users find content and TV shows online, surveyed 1,800 users and found that, among social apps, only Twitter made a significant appearance in the results, with 29% saying they used Twitter as part of sharing their TV watching socially. "None of the check-in services ... including GetGlue, Miso, Clicker or Foursquare have significant usage among SideReel's TV watchers," according to the report. Also, as ReadWriteWeb notes, only 5% of respondents had used devices like Boxee or Roku, whereas 40% had connected their computer to their TV in the past month -- a threefold increase over the previous year.

By contrast, SideReel found that 70% of users who do stream video via the Internet to their TV do so using Netflix, whereas the other 30% use other sources. Overall, "People are mixing new technologies with familiar ones to get a personalized TV experience that includes all of their favorite shows," said SideReel CEO Roman Arzhintar. "For many, traditional TV watching is starting to supplement online watching, rather than the other way around."

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