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Exchanges, Premium, And The Problem Of Scale

IMedia Connection wrote that premium inventory is essentially any "inventory that the advertiser would be happy to run its advertising on if it could manually review every single publisher and page that the ad was going to appear within."

The problem, they wrote, is scale. When applied to ad exchanges, "the curation problem gets dropped back in the laps of the buyers across more publishers and pages than they can manually curate…."

Read the whole story at iMedia Connection »

1 comment about "Exchanges, Premium, And The Problem Of Scale".
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  1. Dick O'Hare from Local Yokel Media, June 17, 2013 at 5:05 p.m.

    Curation is definitely difficult (best case) or near impossible (worst case) in ad exchanges. There is a difficult balance with audience data targeting and making sure the ad creative lands on relevant, premium content. Often times, these objectives are not aligned. Local Yokel Media has taken on the task of hyperlocal ad inventory curation to deliver completely transparent, hyperlocal domain targeting.

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