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PayPal Views on Apple Mobile Payments

  • Pymnts, Friday, September 12, 2014 11:44 AM

One of the logos that wasn’t splashed across the screen during the launch of Apple Pay was PayPal.Bill Ready, CEO of PayPal’s Braintree unit, sat down with MPD CEO Karen Webster to answer some tough questions about whether or not PayPal sees Apple as a major game changer or disruptor, what he believes their next move will be and PayPal’s future course. KW: We’ve all seen and now know a bit about Apple’s plans for mobile payments – Apple Pay. During the launch, we saw lots of logos flashing on the screen, but PayPal wasn’t one of them. Why not? BR: We work with a lot of the players that were listed there. Braintree will support Apple Pay from day one. I think Apple has brought together a number of players in a short period of time, which many have mentioned. We’ve announced that we’re supporting Apple transactions given that it’s running on the Visa tokenization and EMV standard.

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