
44% Of US Adult Household Without Landlines

According to GfK Mediamark Research, 44% of US adults live in households with cell phones, but no landline telephones; this cell phone-only population has grown by 70% since 2010, when only 26% of US adults lived in cell-phone-only households.

These data have been consistently in alignment with the most trusted benchmarks, such as the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says the report.

64% of Millennials (born 1977 to 1994) are without landlines; and 60% of Hispanics live in cell-phone-only homes, according to the report. The percentage for:

  • Generation X (born 1965 to 1976) is 45%
  • Baby Boomers (1946 to 1965), 32%
  • Pre-Boomers, 13%

People living in cell-only households are fairly evenly represented in the West (47%), Midwest (45%) and South (48%) but are much less prevalent in the Northeast (28%). 63% of adults in the Northeast live in homes with bundled digital services, which typically include a landline, says the report.

Additionally, the study shows that, while 93% of US adults have a cell phone, ownership of smartphones skews heavily to Millennials and Gen Xers. In the Millennial age group, 88% own smartphones; for Gen X the figure is 79%, followed by 56% of Baby Boomers and 20% of Pre-Boomers.

The GfK MRI consumer database is derived from continuous interviews with approximately 25,000 U.S. adults each year, recording consumption of some 6,500 products in nearly 600 categories as well as details about their lifestyles and attitudes.

For additional information, please visit here.

1 comment about "44% Of US Adult Household Without Landlines".
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  1. Erin Read from Creating Results, Inc., April 13, 2015 at 5:02 p.m.

    Americans who were born before 1946 are not "pre-boomers." They are the members of the Silent Generation, which was at the front lines of every civil rights struggle of the last century. Those born before 1925 are the members of the Greatest Generation ... You might remember a little Tom Brokaw book about them?

    It is a disservice to marketers to define these older adults by the generation that came after them. It also smacks of ageism when two entire, distinct and distinctive cohorts are completely forgotten.

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