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Jon Mandel Of Dogsled Enterprises On What's Overblown In Ad Automation

Interesting interview with Jon Mandel, Chairman of Dogsled Enterprises, who shares with Jay Sears, SVP Marketplace, Development, at Rubicon Project his three top picks for the most overblown topics in advertising automation: Ad Blocking: "I mean really … the New Orleans water district complained in 1956 when the water pressure dropped during the last commercial in some TV shows. Online is a technical medium so did you think someone wouldn’t make it easy? Let’s not forget that the original digital media was the human finger that was adept at avoiding print ads by turning the page." Branded Content, Native: "not that these aren’t important topics just that they are overblown by people in our industry claiming stuff from the ‘50s is new and different and the coming thing. It is important but tone down the rhetoric that you just discovered something amazing and new. Data: "Again, it is more about how it is talked about. I think there are too many people confusing coincidence with causality and missing the point because they think the data is cool instead of focusing on which of it is important and what it means and why."

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