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U.S. Government Gets IoT Advice, Warnings

When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT), the only agreement in Washington is on its impact: It will be huge --- in both good and bad ways. The IoT may become a means to deliver a disabling, global attack. Connected IoT devices have potential to reveal more than a novelist about a person's behavior and bring privacy invasion to a new level. On the plus side, improved automation may save lives, keep people healthy and increase food production. That's a broad assessment of more than 130 papers submitted by businesses, industry groups, privacy advocates and others who responded to a request by the U.S. Department of Commerce for comment about the IoT's potential. The government will take this input and issue a "green paper," the name given for a tentative government report, and not an official policy statement. This paper is a windup for the ensuing public policy debate

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