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Disney Offers TV for Free On Web

  • Reuters, Monday, April 10, 2006 11 AM
In a surprising move designed to bring in new advertising revenues, The Walt Disney Co. has said it plans to make TV shows like "Desperate Housewives" and "Lost" available for free over the Internet. Episodes streamed over the Web can be paused, fast-forwarded, or rewound, and will contain commercial breaks viewers won't be able to skip. Disney's move marks the first time a major TV network owner has made original programming available on the Internet for free. Episodes of the shows being offered will become available the morning after they air on TV. Ten advertisers, including Ford Motor Co. Procter & Gamble and Unilever, have already signed up for the initiative. CBS recently showed--with great success--the NCAA Basketball tournament over the Web for free via ad-supported live streaming video. These kinds of deals will only hasten consumers' transition away from network and cable to broadband TV. Other, similar deals for hit shows are sure to follow; this marks the beginning of the end for prime-time TV.

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