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Optimizing A Landing Page For Lead Generation

According to Jon Miller, executive vice president of marketing automation software firm Marketo, when most B2B companies use PPC advertising, snagging a lead -- not a sale -- is the primary "post-click" goal. This makes sense, since B2B offerings often include consulting services, software packages or other, more involved purchases that aren't fully served by text on a Web page.

But getting users to enter their information (at the risk of signing themselves up for SPAM, annoying sales calls or worse) is much more difficult than getting them to click on a PPC ad -- and the conversion process starts with the landing page. As the guest author of the TopRank Online Marketing blog, Miller lists ten tips for optimizing a site's landing page for lead generation efforts. His hints include making content "scan-able" -- that is, with easy-to-read chunks of text, bullet points and bold keywords -- as well as not asking for too much information too soon. And according to Miller, these optimized landing pages have led to increased lead conversions of up to 200%.

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