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Don't Be Evil: Google Must Spin Off DoubleClick Performics

Now that the DoubleClick acquisition has finally closed, Google's task is to successfully integrate the ad-serving company's technology and cultures with its own. But before the employees start shuffling offices and swapping titles, the giant has got to spin off Performics, DoubleClick's search marketing firm.

"Conflict of interest? You bet," says Danny Sullivan. "Even if Performics is kept completely separate from the Google search team, there's the impression that Performics might have some special "in" with Google's non-paid search results. After all, Google owns it!"

When coupled with the fact that Google explicitly states that it "doesn't have any relationships with SEOs" at the Webmaster Support Help Center, the perception that Performics customers will get preferential treatment spells the makings of a conflict that will hurt the giant's trust in the search community, and likely with advertisers.

As for the giant's official stance--it's all about a wait-and-see approach. "We intend to spend the next several months assessing all of DoubleClick's products and services including those offered by Performics," said the statement. "In the near term, we intend to operate Performics as a stand-alone business unit consistent with its past practices. Upon the completion of our integration planning with respect to Performics, we will be in a better position to announce our future plans for this business." So only time will tell if Google adheres to its own "Don't Be Evil" policy when it comes to this.

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